API Rate Limiting
Rate limits are in place to protect our customers and the platform while allowing us to provide you with the best accuracy and validation speed. While it is not our intention at all, going over this limits may result in a temporary block. As such, we recommend our customers and partners to follow best practices and remain within these limits.
General rate limits
Bad requests to any endpoint (as an example, not including the email parameter in an API call) 100 times in 1 minute will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.
Requests to non existing pages or endpoints 100 times in 2 minute will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.
GetCredits V2
We allow a maximum of 50,000 requests in 1 hour for the api.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits and api-us.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits* before temporarily blocking for 1 day.
Bad API key requests to api.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits and api-us.zerobounce.net/v2/getcredits*200 times in 1 hour will result in a temporary block for 1 day.
API Validation V2
We allow a maximum of 50,000 requests in 10 seconds (validations) for the api.zerobounce.net/v2/validate and api-us.zerobounce.net/v2/validate* before temporarily blocking for 1 minute.
Bad API key requests to api.zerobounce.net/v2/validate and api-us.zerobounce.net/v2/validate*200 times in 1 hour will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.
GetApiUsage V2
Bad requests to api.zerobounce.net/v2/getapiusage and api-us.zerobounce.net/v2/getapiusage*200 times in 1 hour will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.
BulkAPI and BulkAPI Batch Validate
We allow a maximum of 250 requests in 1 minute for the bulkapi.zerobounce.net/ before temporarily blocking for 1 hour.
We allow a maximum of 20 requests in 1 minute for the bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/validatebatch before temporarily blocking for 10 minutes.
Bad requests to bulkapi.zerobounce.net/ 200 times in 1 hour will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.
BulkAPI Unknown
Batch responses to bulkapi.zerobounce.net/v2/validate that contains over 20 unknown statuses (that are not greylisted or antispam) more than once per hour will temporarily block for 1 hour.
Activity V2
Bad API key requests to api.zerobounce.net/v2/activity and api-us.zerobounce.net/v2/activity*200 times in 1 hour will result in a temporary block for 1 hour.
*This endpoint uses servers located within the United States. By utilizing this endpoint, you acknowledge and consent to your data being processed on servers in the United States.