Email validation integration for Zapier

Our Zapier integrations are a convenient way to use ZeroBounce services. To begin using a Zapier integration, follow the instructions below to create a new Zap and link your accounts.

Create a new Zap

  1. From your Zapier dashboard, go to the left-side menu and click Create Zap.
    Zapier dashboard screenshotZapier dashboard screenshot
  2. Click in the upper left hand corner on the “Untitled Zap” prompt and input a name for your Zap.

    Link your ZeroBounce account

  3. During your first time using your ZeroBounce account within a Zapier Action, you will need to connect your ZeroBounce account. Click Sign in.
    ZeroBounce sign-in interface for the Zapier integrationZeroBounce sign-in interface for the Zapier integration
  4. Go to, log in to your account, and select the </> API option from the left menu. You will see a list of API keys. Copy the value for the key you want to use with the Zapier integration and continue to the next step.
    ZeroBounce API Key interface screenshotZeroBounce API Key interface screenshot
  5. Input your API key into the prompt and click Yes, Continue to ZeroBounce.
    ZeroBounce API key input screen for the Zapier integrationZeroBounce API key input screen for the Zapier integration
  6. If you connect your account correctly, the next Zap step should look like this:
    Screenshot of a ZeroBounce account connected to ZapierScreenshot of a ZeroBounce account connected to Zapier

    Link Gmail account

  7. During your first time using Gmail within a Zap, you will need to allow Zapier access to your Gmail account. Click Sign in.
    Screenshot of the Gmail connection screen for the Zapier integrationScreenshot of the Gmail connection screen for the Zapier integration
  8. Choose the appropriate Gmail account from the list.
    Gmail OAuth pick account screenshotGmail OAuth pick account screenshot
  9. Click Allow.
    Gmail permissions prompt that grants access to ZapierGmail permissions prompt that grants access to Zapier
  10. If you connect your account correctly, it should look like this.
    Screenshot of a Gmail account connected to the Zapier integrationScreenshot of a Gmail account connected to the Zapier integration

    Link Google Drive account

  11. During your first time using Google Drive within a Zap, you will need to allow Zapier access to your Google Drive account. Click Sign in.
    Zapier Google Drive connection request screenshotZapier Google Drive connection request screenshot
  12. You will be redirected to a Google Drive permissions prompt. Click Allow.
    Google Drive permissions prompt that grants access for the Zapier integrationGoogle Drive permissions prompt that grants access for the Zapier integration
  13. You should see a page similar to this one.
    Zapier Google Drive connected account screenshotZapier Google Drive connected account screenshot

    Link Google Sheets account

  14. During your first time using Google Sheets within a Zap, you will need to allow Zapier access to your Google Sheets account. Click Sign in.
    Zapier Google Sheets connection request screenshotZapier Google Sheets connection request screenshot
  15. Select the appropriate account from the list.
    Zapier Google Sheets account selection screenshotZapier Google Sheets account selection screenshot
  16. You will see a list of permissions required for the Zapier integration. Click Allow.
    Google Sheets permission prompt that grants access to the Zapier integrationGoogle Sheets permission prompt that grants access to the Zapier integration
  17. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see this
    Zapier Google Sheets connected account screenshotZapier Google Sheets connected account screenshot

Using Zapier for single email validation

Email validation allows you to identify valid, invalid, and high-risk emails rapidly. Our Zapier integration allows you to validate an email address and pass the results along to the next stage.

Follow these steps to start using ZeroBounce Single Email Validation with your Zaps.

Step 1 - Create a new Zap (see Create a New Zap section above)

Step 2 - Select a trigger

  1. A trigger external to ZeroBounce is required (an event listener on a different app to initiate our Zap). For this example, we’ll use an email received on our gmail account. Type “gmail” into the search bar and select the Gmail option.
    Screenshot of the new trigger creation tool in ZapierScreenshot of the new trigger creation tool in Zapier
  2. Choose an event on your Gmail account to trigger this sequence. For this example, we’ll use the New Email Matching Search trigger. Select it using the Event field. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail trigger screenshotZapier Gmail trigger screenshot
  3. You may need to grant Zapier access to your Gmail account. If you’ve yet to do so, see the Link Gmail Account section above for more details. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail connected account screenshotZapier Gmail connected account screenshot
  4. Specify a trigger search text in the Search String field. For our example, we’ll use “Zapier Validate Test”. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail Search String screenshotZapier Gmail Search String screenshot
  5. Verify that your trigger works correctly by clicking Test trigger.
    Zapier Gmail Test trigger screenshotZapier Gmail Test trigger screenshot
  6. Zapier should fetch an email from your gmail account that matches the search criteria. If there aren’t any, you should create one to ensure your test works properly.
    Zapier Gmail trigger test result screenshotZapier Gmail trigger test result screenshot

    Step 3 - ZeroBounce email validation

  7. Type “ZeroBounce” into the search bar and select the ZeroBounce option.
    Screenshot of the new action creation tool in ZapierScreenshot of the new action creation tool in Zapier
  8. In the action view, select the Validate Email option from the dropdown, and click Continue.
    Screenshot showing to select the Validate Email action for the ZeroBounce Zapier integrationScreenshot showing to select the Validate Email action for the ZeroBounce Zapier integration
  9. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your ZeroBounce account to Zapier. For more details on how to do this, please refer to the Link ZeroBounce Account section above. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshotZapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshot
  10. Next, we’ll configure our action.

    The two parameters are Email and IP Address (IP Address is optional). You can link fields from the previous step here, such as the From field from the email we received, or enter them manually (manually entered values will be static and used across all activations of the Zap). Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Validate Email action screenshot showing the email and IP address fieldsZapier ZeroBounce Validate Email action screenshot showing the email and IP address fields
  11. Click Test Action to verify that your Zap works correctly.
    Screenshot showing how to test your Validate Email action using the Zapier integrationScreenshot showing how to test your Validate Email action using the Zapier integration
  12. You should receive a response like this.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Validate Email test result screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Validate Email test result screenshot

    Step 4 - Add a new action

  13. The result from the previous step does not do much by itself, but we can chain another action that uses it.
  14. Next, we’ll insert a new row into a Google Sheet that we own. To add a new action, click the (+) symbol at the end of the previous one.
    The Zapier new action buttonThe Zapier new action button
  15. Select the Google Sheets option.
    The Zapier new action creation tool showing a list of sources including Google SheetsThe Zapier new action creation tool showing a list of sources including Google Sheets
  16. Select Create Spreadsheet Row from the Event dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier new Google Sheets event action screenshotZapier new Google Sheets event action screenshot
  17. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your Google Sheets account. For more details please see the Link Google Sheets Account section. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets connected account screenshotZapier Google Sheets connected account screenshot
  18. You will need to create a spreadsheet with the appropriate header on your Google Drive account. Please create one with the “Email, Status” column headers. Then, select the appropriate values for Drive, Spreadsheet and Worksheet from the menu.

    Once these are filled in, the available parameter boxes will appear based on our Google Sheet file header (in this case, Email and Status). You can feed values from the previous steps into them. Values with the ZB logo come from the ZeroBounce action, while ones with the Gmail logo come from the Gmail action.

    Select Address and Status respectively. You should be able to see their values from the previous steps. Click Continue.
    Screenshot showing how to create a Google Sheets spreadsheet row for the Zapier integrationScreenshot showing how to create a Google Sheets spreadsheet row for the Zapier integration
  19. Check that the extracted values are correct and click Test Action.
    Zapier google sheets test action screenshotZapier google sheets test action screenshot
  20. The test should return the newly inserted row. You should also be able to see it in the spreadsheet you created. At this point, you may publish and activate your Zap. Click Publish Zap.
    Zapier Google Sheets action test results screenshotZapier Google Sheets action test results screenshot

Get Activity Data

The Get Activity Data Zapier action allows you to receive information regarding when an email address was last active. Our Zapier integration allows you to retrieve this data for an email address and pass the results along to the next stage.

Follow these steps to start using ZeroBounce Get Activity with your Zaps.

Step 1 - Create a new Zap (see Create a New Zap section above)

Step 2 - Create a trigger

  1. Select Gmail for the Trigger and select New Email Matching Search for the triggering Event.
    Zapier Gmail New Email Matching Search trigger event creation screenshotZapier Gmail New Email Matching Search trigger event creation screenshot
  2. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Gmail account. See the Link Gmail account section above for more details. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail connected account screenshotZapier Gmail connected account screenshot
  3. Fill in the search string for the trigger. We’ll use the “Zapier Activity Test” for this example. Click Continue.
    Screenshot showing the Gmail Search String field for your new Zapier triggerScreenshot showing the Gmail Search String field for your new Zapier trigger
  4. Click Test Trigger and an email matching the search string should be fetched from your Gmail account. If none show up, make sure at least one exists to test your trigger properly. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail trigger test results screenshotZapier Gmail trigger test results screenshot

    Step 3 - ZeroBounce Get Activity Data

  5. Type “ZeroBounce” into the search bar and select the ZeroBounce option.
    Screenshot showing a search for ZeroBounce in Zapier to create the Get Activity actionScreenshot showing a search for ZeroBounce in Zapier to create the Get Activity action
  6. Select Get Activity Data from the Event dropdown. Click Continue.
    Screenshot showing how to select the Get Activity Data event for the ZeroBounce Zapier integrationScreenshot showing how to select the Get Activity Data event for the ZeroBounce Zapier integration
  7. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your ZeroBounce account to Zapier. For more details on how to do this, please refer to the Link ZeroBounce Account section above. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshotZapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshot
  8. The Get Activity Data action only takes one parameter - Email. You can link output from the previous step into this input. We’ll use the From Email address. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Get Activity Data parameters screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Get Activity Data parameters screenshot
  9. To verify that this step works correctly, click Test Action.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Get Activity Data test action screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Get Activity Data test action screenshot
  10. You should receive a response similar to this.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Get Activity Data action test results screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Get Activity Data action test results screenshot

    Step 4 - Add a new action

  11. The result from the previous step does not do much by itself, but we can chain another action that uses it. We’ll insert a new row into a Google Sheet we own.

    To add a new action, click the (+) symbol at the end of the previous one.
    The Zapier new action buttonThe Zapier new action button
  12. Select the Google Sheets option.
    Screenshot showing how to find Google Sheets to create a new action for your Zapier integrationScreenshot showing how to find Google Sheets to create a new action for your Zapier integration
  13. Select the Create Spreadsheet Row from the Event dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row screenshotZapier Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row screenshot
  14. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your Google Sheets account. For more details please see the Link Google Sheets Account section. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets connected account screenshotZapier Google Sheets connected account screenshot
  15. You will need to create a spreadsheet with the appropriate header on your Google Drive account. Please create one with the Email, Found, Active in Days columns header.

    Please select the appropriate values for Drive, Spreadsheet, and Worksheet from the menu. Once these are filled in, the available parameter boxes will appear based on our Google Sheet file header (in this case, Email, Found, and Active in Days). You can feed values from the previous steps into them. Values with the ZB logo come from the ZeroBounce action, while ones with the Gmail logo come from the Gmail action.

    Select Address from the Gmail step and Found and Active in Days for the ZeroBounce steps. You should be able to see their values from the previous step tests. Click Continue.
    Screenshot showing how to set parameters for your new spreadsheet row using the Zapier integrationScreenshot showing how to set parameters for your new spreadsheet row using the Zapier integration
  16. To verify that everything is working, click Test Action.
    Zapier Google Sheets Create SpreadSheet Row test action screenshotZapier Google Sheets Create SpreadSheet Row test action screenshot
  17. The test should return the newly inserted row. You should also be able to see it in the spreadsheet you created. At this point, you may publish and active your Zap. Click Publish Zap.
    Zapier Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row action test results screenshotZapier Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row action test results screenshot

Batch validation

Just as with single email validation, batch email validation allows you to identify valid, invalid, and high-risk emails lurking on your email list.. Our Zapier Batch Validation integration allows you to validate multiple email addresses and pass the results along to the next stage.

Follow these steps to start using ZeroBounce Batch Validation with your Zaps.

Step 1 - Create a new Zap (see Create a New Zap section above)

Step 2 - Create a trigger

  1. A trigger external to ZeroBounce will be required (an event listener on a different app to initiate our Zap). For this example, we’ll use an email received on our Gmail account. Type “gmail” in the search bar and select the Gmail option.
    Screenshot of Zapier’s new trigger creation toolScreenshot of Zapier’s new trigger creation tool
  2. Select New Email Matching String from the Event dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail New Email Matching Search screenshotZapier Gmail New Email Matching Search screenshot
  3. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Gmail account. See the Link Gmail account section above for more details. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail connected account screenshotZapier Gmail connected account screenshot
  4. Fill in the Search String for our trigger. We’ll use “Zapier Batch Validation Test” for this example. Click Continue.
    Zapier Gmail New Email Matching Search Search String screenshotZapier Gmail New Email Matching Search Search String screenshot
  5. To verify that our trigger is working, click Test Trigger. This should fetch an email from your Gmail account. If one does not appear, check that one matching the filter criteria exists to test your trigger properly. Click Continue.
    Screenshot of a successful new email matching string test in ZapierScreenshot of a successful new email matching string test in Zapier

    Step 3 - ZeroBounce email validation

  6. Type “ZeroBounce” into the search bar and select the ZeroBounce option.
    Screenshot of Zapier's new action tool showing the ZeroBounce optionScreenshot of Zapier's new action tool showing the ZeroBounce option
  7. Select Batch Validation from the Event dropdown and click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation action screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation action screenshot
  8. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your ZeroBounce account to Zapier. For more details on how to do this, please refer to the Link ZeroBounce Account section above. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshotZapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshot
  9. The Batch Validation action takes two arrays of parameters - Email and IP (IP is optional). You can input comma separated values into them or link them to array output from the previous step, such as the To field from our email (if there are multiple To addresses, they will all be passed along). Click Continue.
    Screenshot of Zapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation parameters - email and IPScreenshot of Zapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation parameters - email and IP
  10. To verify that our action works, click Test Action.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation action test screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation action test screenshot
  11. You should receive a response similar to this one. You’ll notice it’s an array of responses, one for each address.
    Zapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation action test result screenshotZapier ZeroBounce Batch Validation action test result screenshot

    Step 4 - Add a new action

  12. The result from the previous step does not do much by itself, but we can chain another action that uses it. We’ll insert a new row into a Google Sheet we own. To add a new action click the (+) symbol at the end of the previous one.
    The Zapier new action buttonThe Zapier new action button
  13. Select the Google Sheets option.
    Zapier new action creation tool showing the Google Sheets optionZapier new action creation tool showing the Google Sheets option
  14. Select the Create Spreadsheet Row from the Event dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets new screenshotZapier Google Sheets new screenshot
  15. Select the Create Spreadsheet Row from the Event dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row screenshotZapier Google Sheets Create Spreadsheet Row screenshot
  16. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your Google Sheets account. For more details please see the Link Google Sheets Account section. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets connected account screenshotZapier Google Sheets connected account screenshot
  17. You will need to create a spreadsheet with the appropriate header on your Google Drive account. Please create one with the address, status, sub_status, domain, gender, mx_found column headers.

    Please select the appropriate values for Drive, Spreadsheet and Worksheet from the menu. Once these are filled in, the available parameter boxes will appear based on our Google Sheet file header (in this case, address, status, sub_status, domain, gender, mx_found). You can feed values from the previous steps into them.

    Values with the ZB logo come from the ZeroBounce action, while ones with the Gmail logo come from the Gmail action. Select Email Batch Address, Email Batch Status, Email Batch Sub Status, Email Batch Domain, Email Batch Gender, Email Batch Mx Found from the ZeroBounce steps. You should be able to see their values from the previous step test. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets create spreadsheet row parameters screenshotZapier Google Sheets create spreadsheet row parameters screenshot
  18. To verify our integration, click Test Action.
    Zapier Google Sheets create spreadsheet row action test screenshotZapier Google Sheets create spreadsheet row action test screenshot
  19. You should see output similar to this. At this point, you can publish and activate your Zap. Click Publish Zap.
    Zapier Google Sheets create new spreadsheet row action test results screenshotZapier Google Sheets create new spreadsheet row action test results screenshot

File validation

In addition to single and bulk email validation, our Zapier integration allows you to validate multiple email addresses specified in a .csv file and pass the results along to the next stage.

Follow these steps to start using ZeroBounce Single Email Validation with your Zaps.

Step 1 - Create a new Zap (see Create a New Zap section above)

Step 2 - Create a trigger

  1. A trigger external to ZeroBounce will be required (an event listener on a different app to initiate our Zap). For this example, we’ll use a new csv file uploaded to our Google Drive. Type “google drive” into the search bar and select the Google Drive option.
    Screenshot of Zapier’s new trigger creation toolScreenshot of Zapier’s new trigger creation tool
  2. Select New File in Folder for our triggering Event. Click Continue.
    Screenshot showing how to create New File in Folder event for Zapier Google DriveScreenshot showing how to create New File in Folder event for Zapier Google Drive
  3. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Gmail account. See the Link Gmail account section above for more details. Click Continue.
  4. Select the appropriate Drive and Folder, and click Continue.

    Note: Our zap will be triggered by all files created here, not just uploaded csv files. You should be careful not to add any files not intended for this Zap here.
    Zapier Google Drive new file in folder parameters screenshotZapier Google Drive new file in folder parameters screenshot
  5. This will now fetch a file from your account.
    Zapier Google Drive New File in Folder test screenshotZapier Google Drive New File in Folder test screenshot

    Step 3 - ZeroBounce file validation

  6. Type “ZeroBounce” into the search bar and select the ZeroBounce option.
    Screenshot showing how to select the ZeroBounce option in Zapier’s new action toolScreenshot showing how to select the ZeroBounce option in Zapier’s new action tool
  7. Select File Validation from the dropdown and click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce File Validation screenshotZapier ZeroBounce File Validation screenshot
  8. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your ZeroBounce account to Zapier. For more details on how to do this, please refer to the Link ZeroBounce Account section above. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce linked account screenshotZapier ZeroBounce linked account screenshot
  9. File Validation takes four parameters:

    File - the .csv file to be evaluated
    Email Address Column - what column the email address is within the .csv file (starts at 1)
    Has Header Row - boolean specifying whether the first row should be ignored when processing
    Remove Duplicate - boolean value specifying whether duplicate entries should be ignored when processing (to conserve credits).

    We will input the uploaded file from the previous Google Drive Step. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce File Validation parameters screenshotZapier ZeroBounce File Validation parameters screenshot
  10. To verify our action, click Test Action.
    Zapier ZeroBounce File Validation action test screenshotZapier ZeroBounce File Validation action test screenshot
  11. You should receive a response similar to this, showing that the file has been uploaded successfully for processing. This integration uses a callback to transfer data to the next step, which will happen at a later time. The output of that callback is a file, and we can still use it to chain more actions.
    Zapier ZeroBounce File Validation action test results screenshotZapier ZeroBounce File Validation action test results screenshot

    Step 4 - Add a new action

  12. The result from the previous step does not do much by itself, but we can chain another action that uses it. We’ll uploadthe resulting file to Google Drive. To add a new action, click the (+) symbol at the end of the previous one.
    The Zapier new action buttonThe Zapier new action button
  13. Select the Google Drive option.
    Screenshot of Zapier’s new action tool showing the Google Drive optionScreenshot of Zapier’s new action tool showing the Google Drive option
  14. For the triggering Event, select Upload File.
    Zapier Google Drive Upload File screenshotZapier Google Drive Upload File screenshot
  15. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Google Drive account. See the Link Google Drive section above for more details. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Drive linked account screenshotZapier Google Drive linked account screenshot
  16. Fill in the appropriate options for Drive and Folder. Be careful not to set the target upload folder the same as the trigger input folder as this will trigger infinite loops or errors.

    Set Convert to Document? to False (we’ll upload as is).

    For File, we’ll use the ZB File option. It should display no data as our action uses a callback and the data is not available yet.

    For File Name we’ll use the Google Drive Original Filename (the filename the file was uploaded as) and csv for extension. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Drive Upload File parameters screenshotZapier Google Drive Upload File parameters screenshot
  17. We will be unable to test this part as the callback data is unavailable. Click Test Action.
    Zapier Google Drive upload file action test screenshotZapier Google Drive upload file action test screenshot
  18. As expected, our test has failed. We’ll skip it for now and verify that it works later. Click Skip test.
    Message indicating that the Zapier action test failedMessage indicating that the Zapier action test failed
  19. Click Publish Zap.
    Zapier skip action test screenshotZapier skip action test screenshot
  20. Click Publish & Turn On.
    Zapier Publish & Turn on screenshotZapier Publish & Turn on screenshot

    Step 5 - Verify that our Zap works

  21. Go to your Zapier Dashboard and select Zaps from the left menu. Make sure that an appropriate file is uploaded to our trigger directory.
    Zapier Zap dashboard screenshotZapier Zap dashboard screenshot
  22. If your app does not trigger by itself, click on the three dots and select Run from the menu
    Zapier dashboard Zap context menu screenshotZapier dashboard Zap context menu screenshot
  23. You should see output like this. If not, ensure that the file exists and was uploaded after Zap creation, or that the Zap has not already run.
    Zapier dashboard run Zap manually screenshotZapier dashboard run Zap manually screenshot
  24. From the same dot menu, click on History.
    Zapier dashboard Zap context menu screenshotZapier dashboard Zap context menu screenshot
  25. You should see a list of all runs for this Zap. We can see that the last one awaits. Click on it.
    Zapier Zap history screenshotZapier Zap history screenshot
  26. You will see a list of all actions of our Zap and intermediate results for this run. You will notice that the first stage (the trigger) was successful, while the second one is “Waiting” for the callback from ZeroBounce execute.
    Zapier Zap input data screenshotZapier Zap input data screenshot
  27. If you click on Data out, you will see the output from all stages. Stage 2 shows the intermediate output that was passed along to the ZeroBounce server.
    Zapier Zap callback delayed screenshotZapier Zap callback delayed screenshot
  28. After some time, the callback will execute, and the output will either show success or display an error. At this point, you can check the target drive folder for the uploaded file. It should be there.
    Zapier Zap callback success screenshotZapier Zap callback success screenshot

AI Scoring

The ZeroBounce A.I. Scoring API combines a vast selection of data with proven statistical analysis to granularity rate the quality level of an email address. The software identifies positive and negative patterns of an email address and returns a score that users can rely on when performing their email hygiene. Our Zapier integration allows you to score multiple email addresses specified in a .csv file and pass the results along to the next stage.

Follow these steps to start using ZeroBounce AI Scoring with your Zaps.

Step 1 - Create a new Zap (see Create a New Zap section above)

Step 2 - Create a trigger

  1. For this example, we’ll use a new spreadsheet created on our Google Sheets account. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Google Sheets account. See the Link Google Sheets Account section. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets linked account screenshotZapier Google Sheets linked account screenshot
  2. Select the appropriate Drive. Note that this applies to all spreadsheets created on this specific drive. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets New Spreadsheet screenshotZapier Google Sheets New Spreadsheet screenshot
  3. To verify, click Test Trigger (make sure that a file matching our criteria exists to properly test your trigger).
    Zapier Google Sheets New Spreadsheet test screenshotZapier Google Sheets New Spreadsheet test screenshot
  4. You should receive a result that looks like this. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Sheets New Spreadsheet test result screenshotZapier Google Sheets New Spreadsheet test result screenshot

    Step 3 - ZeroBounce AI Scoring

  5. Type “ZeroBounce” into the search bar and select the ZeroBounce option.
    Zapier’s new action creation tool showing the ZeroBounce optionZapier’s new action creation tool showing the ZeroBounce option
  6. Select AI Scoring from the dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring event screenshotZapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring event screenshot
  7. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to link your ZeroBounce account to Zapier. For more details on how to do this, please refer to the Link ZeroBounce Account section above. Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshotZapier ZeroBounce connected account screenshot
  8. Our AI Scoring action takes four parameters:

    File - .csv file containing our data; we’ll input the .csv conversion of the google sheet from the previous step
    Email Address Column - which column are the email addresses on? - starts at 1
    Has Header Row - specifies whether the first row should be ignored when processing
    Remove Duplicates - specifies whether duplicate emails should be ignored when processing (to conserve credits).

    Click Continue.
    Zapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring parameters for a new actionZapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring parameters for a new action
  9. To verify our action works, click Test Action.
    Zapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring test screenshotZapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring test screenshot
  10. You should receive a response similar to this, showing that the file has been uploaded successfully for processing. This integration uses a callback to transfer data to the next step, which will happen at a later time. The output of that callback is a file, and we can still use it to chain more actions.
    Zapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring test results screenshotZapier ZeroBounce AI Scoring test results screenshot

    Step 4 - Add a new action

  11. The result from the previous step does not do much by itself, but we can chain another action that uses it. We’ll insert a new row into a Google Sheet we own. To add a new action, click the (+) symbol at the end of the previous one.
    The Zapier new action buttonThe Zapier new action button
  12. Select the Google Drive option.
    Screenshot of Zapier’s new action tool showing the Google Drive optionScreenshot of Zapier’s new action tool showing the Google Drive option
  13. Select Upload File for Event from the dropdown. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Drive Upload File screenshotZapier Google Drive Upload File screenshot
  14. If you’ve yet to do so, you will need to grant Zapier access to your Google Drive account. See the Link Google Drive section above for more details. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Drive linked account screenshotZapier Google Drive linked account screenshot
  15. Fill in the appropriate options for Drive and Folder. Careful not to set the target upload folder the same as the trigger input folder as this will trigger infinite loops or errors.

    Set Convert to Document? to False (we’ll upload as is).

    For File we’ll use the ZB File option. It should display no data as our action uses a callback and the data is not available yet.

    For File Name we’ll use the ZP File Name and csv for extension. Click Continue.
    Zapier Google Drive File Upload parameters screenshotZapier Google Drive File Upload parameters screenshot
  16. We will be unable to test this part as the callback data is unavailable. Click Test Action.
    Zapier Google Drive File Upload test screenshotZapier Google Drive File Upload test screenshot
  17. As expected, our test has failed. We’ll skip it for now and verify that it works later. Click Skip test.
    Zapier skip action test screenshotZapier skip action test screenshot
  18. Click Publish Zap.
    Zapier publish zap screenshotZapier publish zap screenshot
  19. Click Publish & Turn On.
    Zapier Publish & Turn on screenshotZapier Publish & Turn on screenshot

    Step 5 - Verify that our Zap works

  20. Go to your Zapier Dashboard and select Zaps from the left menu. Ensure that an appropriate file is uploaded to our trigger directory.
    Zapier Zap dashboard screenshotZapier Zap dashboard screenshot
  21. If your app does not trigger by itself, click on the three dots and select Run from the menu.
    Zapier Zap dashboard context menu screenshotZapier Zap dashboard context menu screenshot
  22. You should see output like this. If not, double check that the file exists and was uploaded after Zap creation, or that the Zap has not already run.
    Zapier dashboard run Zap manually screenshotZapier dashboard run Zap manually screenshot
  23. From the same dot menu, now click on History.
    Zapier dashboard Zap context menu screenshotZapier dashboard Zap context menu screenshot
  24. You should see a list of all runs for this Zap. We can see that the last one is waiting. Click on it.
    Zapier Zap history screenshotZapier Zap history screenshot
  25. You will see a list of all actions of our Zap and intermediate results for this run. It is possible that the first stage (the trigger) is successful while the second one is Waiting for the callback from ZeroBounce execute.
    Zapier Zap data screenshotZapier Zap data screenshot
  26. In our case it was successful. It can also display an error if not. At this point, you can check the target drive folder for the uploaded file - it should be there.
    Zapier Zap data screenshotZapier Zap data screenshot