Versión 2: Primeros pasos

Para activar los subtítulos en español (CC)
Haga clic en el ícono de engranaje
Luego, seleccione "subtítulos (CC)"
Elija "traducción automática​​​​​​​"
Seleccione "español​​​​​​​"


Para probar la versión 2 de la API en Postman, guarde el contenido de la colección Postman como un archivo .json o puede obtener el archivo de nuestro repositorio de GitHub .

En Postman, en el menú superior, haga clic en Archivo y luego seleccione Importar. Luego elija el archivo JSON que guardó o descargó de GitHub para importarlo.

Archivo JSON de la Colección Postman:

      "info": {
        "_postman_id": "948780e4-bf36-4c9c-bb29-2c32c9053091",
        "name": "ZeroBounce API v2",
        "schema": ""
      "item": [
          "name": "Validate Emails",
          "request": {
            "method": "GET",
            "header": [],
            "body": {
              "mode": "raw",
              "raw": ""
            "url": {
              "raw": "",
              "protocol": "https",
              "host": [
              "path": [
              "query": [
                  "key": "api_key",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "Your API Key, found in your account."
                  "key": "email",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "The email address you want to validate"
                  "key": "ip_address",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "The IP Address the email signed up from (Can be blank, but parameter required)"
            "description": "API for single email address validation."
          "response": []
          "name": "Get Credit Balance",
          "request": {
            "method": "GET",
            "header": [],
            "body": {
              "mode": "raw",
              "raw": ""
            "url": {
              "raw": "",
              "protocol": "https",
              "host": [
              "path": [
              "query": [
                  "key": "api_key",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "Your API Key, found in your account."
            "description": "This API will tell you how many credits you have left on your account."
          "response": []
          "name": "Send File",
          "request": {
            "method": "POST",
            "header": [],
            "body": {
              "mode": "formdata",
              "formdata": [
                  "key": "file",
                  "description": "csv or txt file",
                  "type": "file",
                  "src": ""
                  "key": "api_key",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "Your API Key, found in your account. (Required)",
                  "type": "text"
                  "key": "return_url",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "The URL will be used to call back when the validation is completed. (Optional)",
                  "type": "text",
                  "disabled": true
                  "key": "email_address_column",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "The column index of the email address in your file. Index starts from 1. (Required, number)",
                  "type": "text"
                  "key": "first_name_column",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "The column index of the first name column. (Optional, number)",
                  "type": "text",
                  "disabled": true
                  "key": "last_name_column",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "The column index of the last name column. (Optional, number)",
                  "type": "text",
                  "disabled": true
                  "key": "gender_column",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "The column index of the gender column. (Optional, number)",
                  "type": "text",
                  "disabled": true
                  "key": "ip_address_column",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "The IP Address the email signed up from. (Optional, number)",
                  "type": "text",
                  "disabled": true
                  "key": "has_header_row",
                  "value": "",
                  "description": "If the first row from the submitted file is a header row. (Optional, true/false)",
                  "type": "text",
                  "disabled": true
            "url": "",
            "description": "This API allows user to send a file for bulk email validation."
          "response": []
          "name": "File Status",
          "request": {
            "method": "GET",
            "header": [],
            "body": {
              "mode": "raw",
              "raw": ""
            "url": {
              "raw": "",
              "protocol": "https",
              "host": [
              "path": [
              "query": [
                  "key": "api_key",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "Your API Key, found in your account."
                  "key": "file_id",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "The returned file ID when calling sendfile API."
            "description": "The API returns the file processing status for the file been submitted using sendfile API."
          "response": []
          "name": "Get File",
          "request": {
            "method": "GET",
            "header": [],
            "body": {
              "mode": "raw",
              "raw": ""
            "url": {
              "raw": "",
              "protocol": "https",
              "host": [
              "path": [
              "query": [
                  "key": "api_key",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "Your API Key, found in your account."
                  "key": "file_id",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "The returned file ID when calling sendfile API."
            "description": "The API allows users to get the validation results file for the file been submitted using sendfile API."
          "response": []
          "name": "Delete File",
          "request": {
            "method": "GET",
            "header": [],
            "body": {
              "mode": "raw",
              "raw": ""
            "url": {
              "raw": "",
              "protocol": "https",
              "host": [
              "path": [
              "query": [
                  "key": "api_key",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "Your API Key, found in your account."
                  "key": "file_id",
                  "value": "replacewithyours",
                  "description": "The returned file ID when calling sendfile API."
            "description": "The API returns the file processing status for the file been submitted using sendfile API."
          "response": []

La API de validación de correo electrónico de ZeroBounce funciona tanto en tiempo real como de forma masiva. Si necesita verificar los correos electrónicos de manera constante y desea ahorrar tiempo y automatizar el proceso, le recomendamos que utilice la función de volumen.

La API detecta más de 30 tipos de direcciones de correo electrónico riesgosas, evita que se incluyan en su lista y ayuda a mantener la higiene de su correo electrónico durante un período de tiempo más largo. Una lista de correo electrónico saludable respalda su reputación de remitente y es la piedra angular de una buena capacidad de entrega de correo electrónico.

Active la API hoy mismo instalándola en sus formularios de registro y suscripción, o dondequiera que recopile direcciones de correo electrónico en línea.

¿Necesita ayuda para comenzar con la API de validación de correo electrónico? Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de atención al cliente. Estamos aquí para responder a sus preguntas y ayudarle todo el día los 365 días del año.