We are not a storage company and our team is extremely passionate about data protection. From day one, we wanted to make sure your data is secure while you use our email list validator.

ZeroBounce uses complex mechanisms to protect your data and employs military-grade protocols to safeguard it.

We will store your email validation results up to 30 days, and then we will delete them automatically. By default, you will be notified by email when your files will be deleted in 7 and 2 days, respectively. You can turn off these notifications in your notification settings, as seen below.

To access your notification settings, access your "Profile" from the top-right menu. Then, click or scroll down to “Notification Settings”. Don’t forget to click the Save button below these settings if you made any modifications. "

Notification settings of your ZeroBounce Account for getting alerts regarding email list validation results deletion

Notification Settings under Profile

Of course, you can delete your own files from our system at any time.

We do encrypt the files you upload and download. We do not store your data in our database, just the summary data you see in the “Validate” section

Your data is your data, and we take safeguarding that data very seriously. Once the files are deleted, either automatically or by you, that summary data is also deleted.

Need more information about how to delete your data? Our team can help – reach out, we’re available 24/7.