Cybersecurity and Data Privacy with ZeroBounce Email Validation

The only thing more important to us than email verification is your trust and security. That’s why our proprietary infrastructure offers a complete defense against cybersecurity threats around the globe. Our team works closely with compliance to ensure that your company’s data receives peak protection no matter where you are.

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ZeroBounce Imagen
  • soc2
  • soc2
  • hipaa
  • gdpr
  • Data Privacy Framework (DPF)
  • ccpa

The No. 1 email validationA process that determines if an email address uses valid syntax, exists on a given domain, and is configured to receive incoming email messages service for 400,000+ clients

Man configuring ZeroBounce proprietary hardware and infrastructure


  • ZeroBounce ImagenAll validation data stored on ZeroBounce-owned and managed hardware
  • ZeroBounce ImagenNo shared platforms
  • ZeroBounce ImagenFull control over security and compliance
Man performing cybersecurity and risk management assessments from his laptop


  • ZeroBounce ImagenSOC 2 Type 2 certified
  • ZeroBounce ImagenISO- 27001 certified
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPCI-DSS compliant
  • ZeroBounce ImagenSIG and HECVAT risk assessment
  • ZeroBounce ImagenData Privacy Framework (DPF)
  • ZeroBounce ImagenGDPR compliant
  • ZeroBounce ImagenCCPA compliant
  • ZeroBounce ImagenHIPAA compliant


  • ZeroBounce ImagenActive app and compliance testing, cloud security, and vulnerability management with Hacker1
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPenetration testing and risk management with CyberSmart Defense
  • ZeroBounce ImagenWeb Application Firewall (WAF) through Cloudflare Enterprise
  • ZeroBounce ImagenUnmetered DDoS protection
Man and woman discussing ZeroBounce cybersecurity and identity protection in a server room


  • ZeroBounce ImagenVendor assessment via Whistic
  • ZeroBounce ImagenOkta identity protection
  • ZeroBounce ImagenTwo-factor authentication
  • ZeroBounce ImagenRole-based access control
  • ZeroBounce Imagen24/7 account and IP monitoring
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPassword-encrypted downloads
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAutomatic file deletion after 30 days


  • ZeroBounce ImagenCommercial liability
  • ZeroBounce ImagenCyber-multimedia liability

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Reliable, effective customer data protection

ZeroBounce’s proprietary systems receive third-party accreditations from national and international institutions.

Woman reviewing ZeroBounce SOC 2 Type 2 compliance from a tablet including the official compliance badge

SOC 2 Type 2 certified

A security framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), SOC 2 Type 2 (Systems and Organization Controls) evaluates ZeroBounce in three-month intervals. It deems that our security effectively satisfies requirements for protecting customer data in both cloud storage and data processing.

ZeroBounce delivers a secure platform that meets the 5 Trust Services Criteria:

  • ZeroBounce ImagenSecurity - ZeroBounce protects your data from unauthorized access.
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAvailability - You can depend on our platform to always be available.
  • ZeroBounce ImagenProcessing Integrity - You can expect our software to work as expected.
  • ZeroBounce ImagenConfidentiality - No one can access your confidential information.
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPrivacy - Your sensitive data is only available on a need-to-know basis (including us!)

Everything from your customer email data to your payment information is secured 24/7/365.

Woman checking out ZeroBounce ISO 27001 compliance from her laptop including the official compliance badge

ISO-IEC 27001 certified

ZeroBounce is an email verification and email deliverabilityA sender’s ability to reach the recipient’s inbox with their outgoing emails. It may also describe the ratio of emails delivered to the inbox vs. those sent to spam or blocked by the receiving server. service designed to meet global standards.

To ensure that we satisfy the quality and safety standards your brand needs and deserves, we align our systems and procedures with the stringent requirement of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ISO-IEC 27001 is a standard for evaluating security systems that safeguard customer and partner data for more than 160 countries. ZeroBounce adheres to the following principles:

  • ZeroBounce ImagenConfidentiality - Only authorized persons can access your data.
  • ZeroBounce ImagenIntegrity - Only authorized persons can change your data.
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAvailability - You can access your data whenever needed.

ISO-IEC 27001 guarantees that ZeroBounce effectively meets all security threats and implements the necessary safeguards to eliminate the risk of threat to your data.

Woman ensuring that ZeroBounce has PCI-DSS certification from her tablet, including the official certification badge


ZeroBounce is PCI-DSS self-certified according to the strict rules and regulations of the Payment Card Industry. We proactively monitor and protect your transactions, credit card data, and financial statements from bad actors.

  • ZeroBounce ImagenWeb application firewall (WAF)
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAntivirus software applications
  • ZeroBounce ImagenOngoing threat assessment and penetration testing
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPayment data restricted to a need-to-know basis

Global data privacy compliance

No matter where in the world your business operates or where your sales occur, ZeroBounce takes proactive steps to ensure that your customer data is protected in line with national and international privacy requirements.

Businesswoman discusses ZeroBounce’s HIPAA compliance with customer for their email validation needs


ZeroBounce is certified and fully compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA.

HIPAA is a national standard designed to protect the privacy of a person’s health and medical history, along with any relevant data or documents. Our HIPAA compliance illustrates the quality and sophistication of ZeroBounce security and our ability to be trusted with any customer data related to the healthcare industry.

Woman with glasses reviewing ZeroBounce GDPR compliance on an iPad


The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation within EU privacy law affecting brands existing in or interacting with the European Union.

ZeroBounce effectively stores and safeguards the personal data of your EU customers and never shares it with outside countries. We use dedicated servers and hardware around the globe to ensure that we maintain your privacy per EU law.

Man considering his email verification options while reviewing ZeroBounce CCPA compliance


ZeroBounce complies with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, which offers California residents:

  • ZeroBounce ImagenThe right to know what personal information is collected and shared
  • ZeroBounce ImagenThe right to delete personal information
  • ZeroBounce ImagenThe right to opt-out of the sale of information
  • ZeroBounce ImagenThe right to non-discrimination for exercising CCPA rights
Couple reviewing ZeroBounce’s Data Privacy Framework (DPF) compliance at home

Data Privacy Framework (DPF)

ZeroBounce adheres to the principles of the Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework, including:

  • ZeroBounce ImagenNotice - The right to know about the collection and use of personal data
  • ZeroBounce ImagenChoice - The ability to opt-out of data collection
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAccountability of onward transfer - We may only transfer data to third-parties that comply with these principles
  • ZeroBounce ImagenSecurity - The effort to prevent the loss of your personal data
  • ZeroBounce ImagenData integrity and purpose limitation - Personal data must only be used for the purpose it was collected
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAccess - You can always access your personal data to correct or delete it
  • ZeroBounce ImagenResources, enforcement, and liability - Ongoing mechanisms in place to enforce these principles year-round
Woman working on her PC to complete the SIG questionnaire


SIG, the Standardized Information Gathering questionnaire, is a worldwide attestation that helps ZeroBounce effectively target 18 risk controls, including:

  • ZeroBounce ImagenEnterprise risk management
  • ZeroBounce ImagenSecurity policy
  • ZeroBounce ImagenOrganizational security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAsset and information management
  • ZeroBounce ImagenHuman resources security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPhysical and environmental security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenIT operations management
  • ZeroBounce ImagenAccess control
  • ZeroBounce ImagenApplication security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenCybersecurity incident management
  • ZeroBounce ImagenOperational resilience
  • ZeroBounce ImagenCompliance and operational risk
  • ZeroBounce ImagenEndpoint device security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenNetwork security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenPrivacy
  • ZeroBounce ImagenThreat management
  • ZeroBounce ImagenServer security
  • ZeroBounce ImagenCloud hosting services
Man researching HECVAT at home to determine the best email verification service


HECVAT, the Higher Education Community Vendor Tool, is an additional vendor risk management attestation that helps educational institutions organizations better adhere to security control requirements, particularly for cloud services.

ZeroBounce self-evaluates with HECVAT yearly to ensure that we take every possible measure to protect your brand’s sensitive information better. This helps us comply with industry standards and properly manage and assess our proprietary systems.

Defense against external and internal cybersecurity threats

HackerOne logo, featuring a team of cybersecurity researchers at work

Ongoing platform security and compliance testing

ZeroBounce works alongside HackerOne, a community of hackers and researchers that are the leaders in Attack Resistance Management.

HackerOne continuously tests the ZeroBounce platform to seek out potential vulnerabilities within given parameters. Together, we’re always looking for ways to expose opportunities for bad actors to attack and eliminate them before they ever threaten your data.

CyberSmart logo, including a researcher performing a penetration test on the ZeroBounce platform

Penetration testing

In a digital world, you need the confidence that your highly-sensitive customer information is safe in the event of a true cybersecurity threat.

ZeroBounce partners with CyberSmart Defense to execute various types of penetration testing. This simulates attacks from inside and outside the system to expose potential vulnerabilities. CyberSmart Defense has extensive knowledge of the ZeroBounce platform and is tremendously effective at helping us secure our platform.

Cloudflare logo, featuring a man applying firewall and DDoS protection in a server room for ZeroBounce

Web application firewall and DDoS protection

ZeroBounce uses Cloudflare Enterprise, an award-winning security solution that offers a web application firewall (WAF) to our main site and members area.

The WAF helps our security team monitor and filter any unwanted or harmful traffic from accessing our platform or the protected data. It also guarantees 100% uptime, meaning you’ll always have access to your account and tools.

That means protection against potential DDoS threats by restricting the number of server requests allowed before they can take the platform offline.

Sophisticated sign in and data security

Mac with a secure sign in screen featuring Okta

Okta identity protection

New ZeroBounce members gain access to Okta identity protection integration, which offers a secure, passwordless, universal sign in complete with attack protection.

With Okta, you can easily control who has access to your ZeroBounce account from anywhere at any time.

Woman confirming her ZeroBounce sign in using two-factor authentication from a phone

Two-factor authentication

Protect your ZeroBounce account with your favorite authenticator app, SMS, or email. 2FA helps protect users against common security threats caused by low-quality or weak passwords.

Man demonstrating ZeroBounce’s download security to his business partner

Password-encrypted downloads

All of your email validation data is password-encrypted at ZeroBounce. When uploading or downloading data to improve your email hygiene, you get a unique encryption key that allows only you to access the files, including the ZeroBounce team.

Businessman checking his ZeroBounce account for old email validation upload files

Automatic file deletion after 30 days

Worried about files left in your ZeroBounce account? We automatically delete any files uploaded for email verification or email deliverability testingAn analysis of an email’s likelihood of reaching the inbox based on domain reputation, technical email configuration, spam triggers, file size, and other relevant factors. after 30 days.

Businessman checking his ZeroBounce account for old email validation upload files

Unknown IP alerts

ZeroBounce monitors all accounts for suspicious activity from unknown IP addresses. We’ll automatically alert you of any strange activity so that you can protect your account proactively.

Our security team actively monitors and blacklists IP addresses that are known offenders demonstrating malicious actions against the platform or user accounts.

Happy business man using ZeroBounce email validation from an iPad to improve email deliverability

Industry-leading email validation for small businesses to global enterprises

ZeroBounce is the most secure email bounce management service with an unbeatable 99% verification accuracy rate.

While every company needs help with email list cleaningThe process of removing invalid and high-risk emails, such as spam traps or disposable emails, from an email list. Email list cleaning can be performed after gathering data via email validation., you also need a trustworthy partner. Sign up for your free account today and learn why over 400,000+ clients choose ZeroBounce.

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