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ZeroBounce + Facebook

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Facebook Zapier Integration

Facebook is a powerful social media platform that marketers can use to gather leads and grow their email databases. Are you making the most of its potential? Also, how do you ensure the email addresses you’re collecting are valid and active?
With Zapier, you can easily connect ZeroBounce to the Facebook Lead Ads app and start validating your contacts. Once connected, our API works tirelessly to prevent risky data from spoiling your lists. The email checker will reject misspelled emails, spam traps, known complainers, disposable emails and other bad contacts.
As a real-time email validator, the ZeroBounce API allows only valid and active email addresses to be added to your database. Ensuring that the leads you email are genuine helps preserve your sender score, improves your email deliverability and thus boosts your email metrics.
Whether you use email for sales or marketing purposes, our API is a powerful piece of software you can add to your toolkit.
Use Zapier to integrate the ZeroBounce email validator API into Facebook Lead Ads seamlessly.
Don’t have an account with us yet? Create one now and validate 100 email addresses for free. Every month we will replenish your account with 100 email validation credits. You can also use those credits to score catch-all addresses.
Use this Zap


New LeadTriggers when a new lead is created


Validate EmailValidates an email