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ZeroBounce vs.

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Email list validation has become an integral part of email marketing. Organizations need accurate data to ensure their emails reach the inbox and convert. But how do you know which email validator is the best for you?

We created the table below to show you how ZeroBounce compares to Campayn. It’s important to mention that Campayn is not a standalone email list validation service. Email Validation is a built-in feature and doesn’t seem to be Campayn’s focus.

That may explain the lack of public information the company provides.

When it comes to the types of risky email addresses it detects, Campayn doesn’t go into much detail. According to the platform, the system splits results into three main categories: valid, invalid and unknown.

On the other hand, ZeroBounce removes not only bounces but also spam traps, abuse, catch-all, disposable and role-based emails. The system is 99% accurate and also provides an Email Append bonus feature, which enhances your list with missing information on your subscribers.

Two other differences also stood out to us: Campayn doesn’t state how accurately it validates email addresses, while ZeroBounce promises an accuracy of 99% – with a money-back guarantee.

Then, customer support is another differentiator: ZeroBounce has 24/7 support, and Campayn does not.

Check out this table where you can better understand how the two email verifiers compare.

Price per 10,000 email verifications
Email Bounce Detection
Spam Trap Detection
Free deduplication
Data security: Unique key for each file uploaded in the system; military grade encryption algorithm to safeguard all files and personal information.
Disabled email detection: Identify Yahoo and AOL-disabled email accounts.
Email Abuse Detection
Email Data Append
Toxic Domain Detection
Social Append
IP Information Append
Disposable Email Detection
Catch-All Domain Detection
Email Gender Append
24/7 Support
Accuracy Rate
Money-Back Guarantee
Activity Data - "Identify Openers, Clickers, Forwarders and Unsubscribers on your list"

$80 USD

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Comparison as of July 2021

Disclaimer: The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.