Let’s Talk About Email: Mailbutler CEO Tobias Knobl
What do email geeks do when they get together? That’s right: they talk about email. Our guest today is Tobias Knobl, the CEO of Mailbutler, an email productivity extension for Apple Mail, Gmail and Outlook. Check out our Q&A to find out what Tobias loves the most about email – and what his biggest email pet peeve is.
The best email you received today:
An automated welcome email from Appfigures which was friendly, helpful, personal and on point!
The last email you sent:
Nothing spectacular, sorry, just a usual business email. I sent out an offer to a German university that is interested in using Mailbutler.
The most intriguing subject line you’ve ever seen:
Not intriguing but funny: “Jodel Bells, Jodel Bells – Rabatte all the way ?“ (Rabatte is discount in German). Another subject line that made me laugh was a follow-up email from a sales person “Sorry to annoy you Tobias, but that’s my job.”
Your biggest email pet peeve:
Customer emails without any context or any further details like “It‘s not working“ or “I have a question.”
How often do you check your email?
Usually three times a day. First time in the morning, then after lunch, and before I leave the office.
The word or phrase you most use in your emails:
“Feel free to…” I like it because it’s friendly and welcoming.
The best thing about sending a newsletter:
The best thing about sending mass emails is that we can communicate directly with our users, informing them about the work our team has completed, and then receive direct feedback from our audience.
If you could email any famous person, who would it be – and why?
That’s a tough one! Maybe Ray Tomlinson, the official inventor of emails. I would thank him for creating such a long-lasting and simple medium. Which is, of course, the base of our business. Without email, there would be no Mailbutler.
The newsletters you look forward to the most:
Probably any Black Friday deal about any kind of useless gadget that I would never buy at full price. ?
An email you wish you’d never sent:
I don’t remember one, as our “Undo Send” feature saved my life many times when it comes to the typical “forgotten attachment” fails or typos like “Brest regards.” But in general, I try not to regret anything I can’t change…
An email you’d be happy to get:
Anybody messaging me: Hey Tobi, COVID-19 is over. Everything back to normal! Go out and have fun!
To inbox zero or to not inbox zero?
Definitely, inbox zero!
No. 1 reason why you unsubscribe:
I’d say, if they’re boring and untargeted.
Biggest no-no in an email campaign:
Too many colors and images, plus trying to squeeze different topics in to one email campaign! Please don’t do that.
The best way to grow your email list:
Simply solve a problem your target group is struggling with!
One thing that should change about email:
We are already actively changing email by developing Mailbutler. So, there is nothing I’d change that Mailbutler isn’t already adding to my email inbox. If there was something, we would tackle it!
A brand email you always open:
Anything from our competitors. ?
What do you most love about email?
Everyone has it! Everyone checks it!
What does Mailbutler do?
In a nutshell, it helps you manage email better. Mailbutler is a German software company that started in 2015. Co-founded by Tobias Knobl and Fabian Jäger, it offers a productivity extension for Apple Mail, Gmail and Microsoft Outlook.
Its suite of services is impressive. Here are just a few of the things Mailbutler assist you with:
- schedule emails to go out whenever you need them to,
- see who opened them and track how many clicks your links got,
- view contact analytics,
- create and manage multiple signatures,
- delegate and collaborate with your team on tasks,
- attach notes to your emails that can sync with other apps,
… all without ever leaving your inbox.
On top of that, it integrates with popular platforms such as Evernote, Asana, Slack or Trello.
Learn more about Mailbutler by visiting their website and blog, and connect with Tobias via LinkedIn!
Need to clean your email list first?