High-Risk Emails and Bounces:

How Top Brands Block Bad Leads with Zero Effort

Recorded: October, 2023 - MarketingProfs B2B Forum

Speaker: Brian Minick, ZeroBounce COO

Email bounces are killing your email marketing performance. The culprit? Invalid and high-risk emails. The longer these email addresses linger on your list, the more your email deliverability suffers.

Thankfully - it’s easy to spot these risky emails and block them before they ever get a chance to impact your email campaigns negatively.

Learn how to regain control of your email marketing and eliminate bad leads with zero effort.

In this webinar, you’ll walk away with these three critical email marketing lessons:

  1. What makes an email high-risk?
  2. How risky emails hurt your campaigns before you hit send
  3. How the top brands block bad leads automatically

Ready to block high-risk emails?

Sign up today and create your free ZeroBounce account.

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