Let’s Talk About Email: Rebecca Felker
Our guest today in the Let’s Talk About Email series is the PR & Branding Manager of Madrivo, Rebecca Felker. She tells us what famous person she would email and what the biggest no-no is in an email marketing campaign.
Let’s talk about email with Rebecca Felker!
Best email you received today: The one that said I have a gift certificate waiting for me. I was surprised and happy to see that. And it was a legit gift from a friend.
The last email you sent: A culture invite for a team lunch.
Most intriguing subject line you ever got:
“Watch me screw up on camera”
“Don’t let this happen, Rebecca”
Your biggest email pet peeve: When a subject line is in all caps or has too many emojis.
If you could email any famous person, it would be: Oprah Winfrey – she’s such a positive force of life and has built an Oprah empire. I’d love to pick her brain.
An email you wish you’d never sent: I sent a personal email to my old boss after I left the company. Luckily, she was cool and there wasn’t anything embarrassing in the email.
An email you’d be happy to get: “Congrats, you’ve won a trip to Bali” – a legitimate one, of course.
No.1 reason why you unsubscribe: When it’s something that I don’t read anymore or that I’m no longer interested in.
Biggest no-no in an email marketing campaign: When the subject line has nothing to do with the content of the email.
What you most love about email: That it’s a tool that is still relevant as a marketer. Also, how the level of personalization and automation has grown over the years.
You can learn more about Rebecca and connect with her on LinkedIn.
What is Madrivo?
Madrivo is an integrated online media firm that has quickly gained recognition as a leader in email advertising, affiliate marketing and lead generation.
Madrivo helps clients find new, engaged customers by deploying email, display, video, and mobile ads through a network of super affiliates.
How email list cleaning improves your email marketing
Since we’re talking about email – and email marketing – we can’t help but bring up email cleaning.
If you’re planning to send out a campaign without cleaning your list first, you’re exposing yourself to unnecessary risks.
Invalid addresses will cause your emails to bounce.
Abandoned accounts will bring your metrics down.
Low engagement and overall poor email hygiene will taint your reputation.
As a result, inbox providers will deliver your emails in people’s Spam folder. Furthermore, they may block you altogether. Getting on a blacklist is no fun; it takes time and, often, it costs a lot of money to get off of it.
As opposed to that, hiring an email list cleaning service is easy and only takes three steps: upload, clean, download – that’s it! Then, you can start engaging with your audience and making the most of your email list.
Also, you get a nice perk when you create an account with ZeroBounce: 100 free email cleaning credits, every month.