zerobounce tech news announcing a new intelligent rule-based email validation method on purple background

Tech News, June 2024: Try the New Intelligent, Rule-Based Email Validation

Hello there,

Hope you had a fantastic June!

Before it ends, take a quick peek at the new features available now (including a MASSIVE update to your email validation results).

New: smart, rule-based email validation

Available now – our new intelligent, rule-based validation system!

By intelligently prioritizing the most difficult email destinations with rule-based decision-making, your email validator can verify the most challenging domains with superior accuracy.

New: customize your weekly updates

Stay connected and provide essential updates to your team automatically with our new notification features!

Enable weekly notifications for:

  • DMARC reports
  • Blacklist Domain/IP monitoring results
  • Inbox placement tests
  • Email server tests
  • Overall tool performance

Look for these notification options in the “Weekly Digest” section!

Faster processing for Verify+

The latest Verify+ updates focus on improved latency and processing times for large Yahoo email list files. Upload your Yahoo subscribers now!

P.S. Be on the lookout for the addition of new domains very soon.

Faster validation with greylisting optimizations

The latest greylisting optimization grants you faster validation for large email list files.

100% accurate Activity Data for more contacts

Thanks to new updates, you can match Activity Data (opens, clicks, forward, unsubscribes) for more of your subscribers with 100% accuracy. Just check “Add Activity Data” during your next list cleaning!

Have questions or want to request a new update? Submit your feature requests and feedback here!

Thank you for being a part of ZeroBounce.