“No More Bananas”: ZeroBounce CEO Liviu Tanase Talks to Forbes About How He Manages Stress
Liviu Tanase talked to Forbes contributor Jeroen Kraaijenbrink about how he manages stress in a world more unpredictable than ever. Kraaijenbrink’s new book, “No More Bananas: How to Keep Your Cool in the Collective Madness,” is out now.
What do you do so you don’t go bananas in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world?
That was, in a nutshell, what strategy professor and consultant Jeroen Kraaijenbrink wanted to find out. So, he asked five successful entrepreneurs to offer their perspective. Then, he shared their answers in Forbes magazine.
Read the full article here: How these five entrepreneurs deal with stress in this VUCA world
ZeroBounce CEO Liviu Tanase contributed to the story by talking about his own reasons for stress – and the tactics he uses to overcome it.
Liviu Tanase: You have to always be in firefighter mentality
Five entrepreneurs you can relate to talked with honesty about the challenges they face while running their businesses in 2019.
- Andrea Loubier – Mailbird CEO
- Jenn Lim – Delivering Happines co-founder and CEO
- Liviu Tanase – ZeroBounce CEO
- Joseph Duke – Red Rook CEO
- Uwe Dreissigacker – InvoiceBerry founder and CEO
They all admitted to face a fair amount of daily stress, mostly because of situations they can’t predict and control.
“My colleagues and I have to always be in firefighter mentality. We have to be ready for what we know we do not know,” said ZeroBounce founder and CEO Liviu Tanase.
Furthermore, the entrepreneurs confessed feeling “stuck” (Joseph Duke) and even wanting “to surrender and just give in” (Uwe Dreissigacker).
Don’t we all feel the same sometimes?
Related: Liviu Tanase talks to Entrepreneur magazine
No wonder we go bananas in this VUCA world
However, there are strategies we can use to cope with the volatility and uncertainty of our world. As a strategy writer, speaker and advisor, Jeroen Kraaijenbrink is on a mission to find them. And, of course, share them with us – either in Forbes, where he’s a regular contributor, or in his books.
His latest book is called “No More Bananas: How to Keep Your Cool in the Collective Madness” and came out in June.
First, Kraaijenbrink explains why we are socially, biologically and psychologically prone to “going bananas.” He brings compelling data and examples to help us understand why we react the way we do to in this world of “too much.”
Then, the writer presents no less that 45 remedies for stress and mental overload.
It’s an excellent read and I invite you to check it out here. (This is not an affiliate link).
VUCA: an old concept so relevant today
VUCA stands for “volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.”.
As Sunnie Giles explains, also for Forbes magazine, VUCA isn’t a new concept. In fact, Giles writes, it “originated with students at the U.S. Army War college to describe (…) the world after the Cold War.”
As our current environment fits the definition of VUCA more and more accurately, the concept has become relevant again.
Curious to learn more?
Apart from his latest book, Jeroen Kraaijenbrink wrote a whole series of articles on the topic.
Does your email list cause you to go bananas?
There are many things you have to take care of when you run a business. Liviu Tanase and other entrepreneurs all know how much stress that can cause.
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Related: ZeroBounce Announces Four New Executives and 25 New Team Members