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ZeroBounce vs.

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There are a few key features you want to keep in mind when choosing an email validation service. Here, we look at what EmailOversight and ZeroBounce have to offer.

ZeroBounce vs. EmailOversight: which one’s better?

Keeping a fresh, valid email list is key to landing your email campaigns and newsletters in the inbox. Email data decays by an average of 22% every year. So, if you want your email marketing to work, you need a reliable way to check your email contacts.

,p>With so many email validation services on the market, how do you pick the right one? Below, we take a close look at ZeroBounce and EmailOversight. How do they compare? Is one better than the other?

Read on to find out.

ZeroBounce and EmailOversight: what stands out

First, the differences in the two email verifiers’ pricing models.

Email Oversight operates with monthly plans, so there isn’t much flexibility there. Validating 10,000 email addresses costs $70/month, whereas ZeroBounce charges $80.

For extra features – such as email gender or name appending – EmailOversight charges a separate fee per contact. ZeroBounce, on the other hand, adds this data automatically to your email addresses, at no additional fee. You’ll find it in your email validation reports.

On top of that, ZeroBounce allows for more pricing flexibility. Depending on how many contacts you need to validate, you can choose a monthly plan. Also, you can pick the Pay As You Go option and only check email addresses occasionally.

Another difference we noticed between the two email checkers is that ZeroBounce weeds out duplicate email contacts for free, as opposed to EmailOversight. Weeding out duplicates not only saves you money but also, it prevents spam complaints.

What do the two email verifiers have in common?

Apart from removing invalid emails, both ZeroBounce and EmailOversight detect some important risky contacts. Spam traps, known complainers who may mark your messages as spam, and catch-all emails.

What ZeroBounce does extra gives you further insights into the validity of your catch-all emails. ZeroBounce’s email scoring system investigates these types of contacts and helps you determine which ones are safe to email. This prevents bounces, protects your sender reputation, and boosts your deliverability.

Both services have an email activity tool that allows you to discover your most active subscribers. It’s a great addition to your email toolkit as it enables you to target these prospects specifically. Many of our customers love Activity Data for the in-depth feedback they get on their lists.

When it comes to accuracy, Email Oversight promises 99.5%. We offer 99%, but the difference is that ZeroBounce has a money-back guarantee.

What if you need to get in touch with Support? At ZeroBounce, you can do that anytime – our team works around-the-clock and is always here to answer your questions. EmailOversight does not provide 24/7 customer support.

Check out the table below to quickly see the differences between ZeroBounce and EmailOversight.

If you have questions, reach out via the live chat – we’re happy to assist you.

Price per 10,000 email verifications
Email Bounce Detection
Spam Trap Detection
Free deduplication
Data security: Unique key for each file uploaded in the system; military grade encryption algorithm to safeguard all files and personal information.
Disabled email detection: Identify Yahoo and AOL-disabled email accounts.
Email Abuse Detection
Email Data Append
Toxic Domain Detection
Social Append
IP Information Append
Disposable Email Detection
Catch-All Domain Detection
Email Gender Append
24/7 Support
Accuracy Rate
Money-Back Guarantee
Activity Data - "Identify Openers, Clickers, Forwarders and Unsubscribers on your list"

$80 USD

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$70 USD/month

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Comparison as of May 2022

Disclaimer: The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.