vs. ZeroBounce

Compare with ZeroBounce for all of your email validation needs. This detailed guide gives you a comparison of pricing, tools, features, and benefits to help you find the best validator for your email marketing.

Get 100 free monthly email verifications

Credits never expire

Two hands holding a tablet and another hand holding a pen surrounded by a heart, a 4.9 rating, a graph

Compare and ZeroBounce

Price per 15,000 email verifications - Minimum purchase point for
Credit expiration
Email Bounce Detection
Spam Trap Detection
Free deduplication
Data security: Unique key for each file uploaded in the system; military grade encryption algorithm to safeguard all files and personal information.
Disabled email detection: Identify Yahoo and AOL-disabled email accounts.
Email Abuse Detection
Email Data Append
Toxic Domain Detection
Social Append
IP Information Append
Disposable Email Detection
Catch-All Domain Detection
Email Gender Append
24/7 Support
Accuracy Rate
Money-Back Guarantee
Activity Data - "Identify Openers, Clickers, Forwarders and Unsubscribers on your list"


no expiration

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Comparison as of July 2024

Disclaimer: The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.

The No. 1 email validation service for 350,000+ clients

  • Samsung logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • CocaCola logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • AAA logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • BBB logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • GoFundMe logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Ubiquiti logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Arlo logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Intel logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Airbnb logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • LinkedIn logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Pwc logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • VistaPrint logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Strava logo, ZeroBounce customer
  • Tata Nexarc, ZeroBounce customer
  • Unilever, ZeroBounce customer
ZeroBounce has become a G2 Email Verification Software Summer Leader for 2024.
ZeroBounce is a proud Email Verification Software category Momentum Leader for G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce has become an Enterprise High Performer for G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce has become a Mid-Market High Performer for G2 for the Summer of 2024 as the email verifier.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business Leader in the G2 Email Verification category for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce earns a G2 Users Love Us badge in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business Leader in Europe in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business Leader in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a High Performer in India in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a High Performer in Asia Pacific in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Leader in Europe in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Leader in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a High Performer in Asia in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a High Performer in Latin America in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a High Performer Mid-Market in Asia Pacific in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a High Performer Mid-Market in Asia in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business High Performer in Latin America in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business Leader in Asia Pacific in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business Leader in Asia in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024.
ZeroBounce is a Small Business Leader in India in the Email Verification category with G2 for the Summer of 2024. vs. ZeroBounce pricing comparison

When looking to use for email validation, you’re either limited to several prebuilt packages or requesting a quote based on your email list size.’s packages start at 15,000 credits for $150 and scale to 500,000 credits as per their website. However, if you’re fine with waiting, you can submit any number of contacts and wait for a custom quote.


By comparison, ZeroBounce starts as low as $18 for 2,000 credits (minimum purchase). You can use their convenient pricing calculator to find your exact price for PAYG or subscription plans for up to one million credits.

It’s unclear if has an expiration date for credits. Comparatively, ZeroBounce credits are yours forever.

Test ZeroBounce’s email verifier

Get 100 free monthly email verifications

Credits never expire

A man in a pink shirt sits at his desk in front of a laptop while a coworker leans over to look at the screen.

How’s email validation works’s email validator works based on the perceived email threat. When uploading your email list, it can identify:

Invalid emails, spam traps, typos, catch-alls, possible bots, abuse emails, disposable domains, and role-based accounts.

It also provides some details on why an email address is perceived as a threat, such as delivery errors, malformed domains, and possible blacklists.

A man in glasses and a white shirt sits at a white desk and smiles in front of his open laptop.

ZeroBounce’s email validation

Compared to, ZeroBounce is capable of detecting more than 30 email address types, along with detailed sub-status descriptions, so that you know exactly what’s on your list.

ZeroBounce detects: valid emails, aliases, alternates, invalid emails, disposable domains, spam traps, catch-alls, role-based, abuse emails, toxic domains, possible bots and traps, do not mail addresses, and more.

And - ZeroBounce promises 99% accuracy on email validation with a money-back guarantee.

An open laptop with several comparison graphs showing on the screen.

ZeroBounce saves you money compared to

In addition to more affordable email validation with a money-back guarantee, ZeroBounce provides users with free deduplication.

If you upload your database and it contains the same contact more than once, ZeroBounce identifies the duplicate and removes it at no cost. That way, you only pay for the result once. currently doesn’t offer free deduplication to help tidy up your email list.

A man in glasses and a white shirt sits at a desk in front of glass windows with a laptop open in front of him. has no solution for Yahoo and AOL-disabled accounts

If you have some experience with email marketing, you know that Yahoo and AOL email addresses can be a risk.

That’s because both email service providers regularly disable accounts that have been inactive for over a year. The problem is that a “disabled” account still yields a “valid” verification result. Until now.

ZeroBounce is the only email verification tool that can accurately identify disabled email accounts. No other provider, including, has this technology.

Create a free account today!

Simple, fast and effective email validation service

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A close-up of hands holding a tablet showing a report on email validation results from Impressionwise.

How accurate is advertises email validation results with an accuracy of 99%. However, there’s currently no guarantee of those results.

By comparison, ZeroBounce also offers 99% accuracy for a broader range of email address types and its industry-first disabled email detection. offers a complimentary evaluation of your list without cleaning it. However, ZeroBounce gives you 100 credits free every month so that you can test its promised accuracy with zero risk.

Test ZeroBounce’s email verifier

Get 100 free monthly email verifications

A collection of company logos, including HubSpot, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Shopify, and Salesforce. vs. ZeroBounce integration comparison

To make email verification easy, a great email verification platform will provide convenient ways for you to integrate your favorite CRMs, website builders, and email service providers.

With, you can leverage their API to run validations through:

  • An HTTP feed
  • An FTP file transfer
  • Or - by using the API to create your own webhooks

Aside from these options, no notable integration options are listed on their website.

Compared to, ZeroBounce features more than 50 integrations, many of which are official and can be accessed with ease directly from your account. Just log in to your ESP or CRM, upload your list, and start verifying.

Or, if your development team is interested, you can use ZeroBounce’s API to customize your email validation experience.

See the full list of integrations vs. ZeroBounce: additional features

Accurate, affordable email validation is essential. But what does each platform offer to further help you improve your email campaigns and deliverability?

The comparison is straightforward: focuses primarily on validation and email list hygiene. However, ZeroBounce offers a full toolkit to help with campaign performance, inbox visibility, email authentication, and configuration.

A diverse group of people with the numbers 30, 90, 365, and 60 going from left to right and top to bottom to represent their Activity Data.

Get precise email marketing targeting with Activity Data

After you have a list of valid, deliverable contacts, you need to find the best leads.

ZeroBounce’s Activity Data enhances your campaign potential by telling you if a contact has been active in their inbox in a set time frame.

The time range spans from 30-365 days. And, if an email address has been inactive for over a year with a 365+ rating, you know it’s inactive.

A catch-all email validation report using Email Scoring, which shows 32% of a list being catch-all and several email addresses with scores ranging from 3-10.

Score your catch-all email addresses

If you’ve ever validated emails, you’re familiar with catch-alls. They “catch all” incoming messages that would otherwise bounce because of a malformed email on your list.

The problem is - some catch-alls are quality, and others are a risk.

ZeroBounce solves the catch-all problem by scoring your validated emails. Using proprietary technologies and industry knowledge, your contacts receive a grade from 1 to 10, with the highest scores being active, reliable contacts for your campaigns.

A ZeroBounce blacklist monitoring report for a domain, IPv4, and IPv6 address, while a woman sits at her desk and reads the report.

Get instant alerts of email blacklists

Many things can give your company a poor email reputation; poor campaign performance, domain/IP history, messaging a spam trap, etc. With any of these, you run the risk of getting blacklisted.

ZeroBounce monitors your domain hourly and alerts you if your domain or IP has been blacklisted. Find out where the instance occurred, and learn how to take action before it causes lasting damage.

The ZeroBounce iOS app with the integrations screen loaded

Mobile email validation with iOS

As a busy professional, we know you’re on the go. currently limits email validation to a desktop experience. Conversely, ZeroBounce allows you to upload a list, manage your integrations, score emails, and more from your iPhone or iPad.

A customer support agent wears a headset and a blue shirt while talking to a customer in front of his monitor.

24/7 customer support

Finally, lacks in its support options. No business hours or contact details are listed on their site, and reaching a support agent on a business day is a matter of rolling the dice.

To compare customer support, ZeroBounce knows how much service matters. You can contact someone 24/7, 365 days a year via live chat or contact the team via phone or email.

A woman in a green blouse shows her tablet screen to her male coworker.

Security and privacy comparison

As a business, sharing your contact database is a high-risk matter. Not only are you responsible for protecting your interests, but you also need to ensure you’re compliant with protecting your subscribers’ privacy. is limited in what it shares regarding its protections, but it is GDPR-compliant and deletes your files after 7-10 days for your security.

In comparison, ZeroBounce is proudly SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO-27001-certified and has GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA compliance. The company partners with some of the world’s top cybersecurity specialists to assist with attack resistance management and penetration testing.

  • ZeroBounce is SOC 2 Type II Compliant

    SOC 2
    Type II

  • ZeroBounce is now SOC 2 Compliant

    SOC 2 Compliant

  • ZeroBounce is now ISO 27001 Certified

    ISO 27001 Certified

  • ZeroBounce is now HIPAA Compliant

    HIPAA Compliant

  • ZeroBounce is GDPR Compliant

    GDPR Compliant

  • ZeroBounce uses Privacy Sheild Framework

    Data Privacy Framework (DPF)

  • ZeroBounce is CCPA Compliant

    CCPA Compliant

Compare vs ZeroBounce now

Be sure to reference this handy comparison guide when testing and comparing it to ZeroBounce. But you don’t need to just take these words at face value.

Try ZeroBounce for free today by creating your account. All free users get instant access to:

ZeroBounce Image

100 credits
Email Validation, Activity Data, Email Scoring

ZeroBounce Image

10 Email
Finder queries

ZeroBounce Image

1 Blacklist

ZeroBounce Image

1 Inbox
Placement Test

ZeroBounce Image

1 Email
Server Test

Test ZeroBounce’s email verifier

Get 100 free monthly email verifications

Credits never expire

Frequently asked questions is an email validation and email list hygiene service that aims to help senders maintain their email list and CRM while achieving stronger email deliverability. currently promotes its email validation service as 99% accurate. It detects invalid emails, dormant emails, spam traps, disposable domains, and abuse emails. However, there is no guarantee of results, and transactions are non-refundable. encourages customers to request a quote based on the number of contacts they need to validate. However, they do have several prebuilt packages listed, with the starting package listed at 15,000 credits for $150.

No. provides a personalized quote based on the number of contacts you want to validate.

ZeroBounce offers scalable email validation starting at 2,000 credits for $18 (pay-as-you-go). Subscription plans are also available and include a discount that scales with your requested credits. Subscriptions can be canceled at any time, and your credits will never expire.

ZeroBounce offers a 99% accuracy guarantee when validating any email address with the use of Verify+ from ZeroBounce. This free additional validation tool allows us to use a more in-depth bounce-checking process, which in turn yields more precise validation results for any email provider.

In addition to industry-leading email validation accuracy, ZeroBounce also provides a suite of email deliverability tools, including the following: Email Scoring, Activity Data, Blacklist Monitoring, DMARC Monitoring, Email Finder, inbox placement testing, and email server testing.