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ZeroBounce vs.

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Trying to decide between ZeroBounce and Webbula? When you have enough info about the two services, the choice may be easier than you think.

To save you time, we’ve compiled the most comprehensive comparison between the two email validators. Which one is better?

Let’s take a look. First, Webbula doesn’t disclose whether it removes duplicate email addresses for free. Also, we weren’t able to find relevant information regarding the company’s data protection mechanisms.

As opposed to ZeroBounce, Webbula does not mention the detection of abuse emails that belong to known complainers. These types of accounts can be risky to your sender reputation, and ZeroBounce isolates them so you can decide if you’d like to keep them on your list or not.

Webbula does not disclose the accuracy of its email validation, nor does it offer 24/7 customer support. On top of that, the company does not have any pricing info on its website.

The table below sums up what we’ve found.

Price per 10,000 email verifications
Email Bounce Detection
Spam Trap Detection
Free deduplication
Data security: Unique key for each file uploaded in the system; military grade encryption algorithm to safeguard all files and personal information.
Disabled email detection: Identify Yahoo and AOL-disabled email accounts.
Email Abuse Detection
Email Data Append
Toxic Domain Detection
Social Append
IP Information Append
Disposable Email Detection
Catch-All Domain Detection
Email Gender Append
24/7 Support
Accuracy Rate
Money-Back Guarantee
Activity Data - "Identify Openers, Clickers, Forwarders and Unsubscribers on your list"

$80 USD

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Comparison as of July 2021

Disclaimer: The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.