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ZeroBounce vs. MailFloss

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ZeroBounce or Mailfloss— choosing between these two email verifiers isn’t easy. If you want to make a decision, look no further than this helpful guide. We show how the two email checkers compare in features, cost and ability to contact support.

How are ZeroBounce and Mailfloss alike?

At the most essential level, you want to choose an email verification service that removes invalid email addresses. But there are aspects worth keeping in mind before you pick a provider. How reliable is the email verifier? Furthermore, how much does it cost?

Both ZeroBounce and Mailfloss offer email validation. However, we never learn how accurate Mailfloss is: the company doesn’t disclose that. ZeroBounce has a 99% accuracy rate. They both have a money-back guarantee.

How are ZeroBounce and Mailfloss priced?

ZeroBounce costs $80 per 10,000 emails checked, while Mailfloss is more of a discount email validator at $20 per 10,000 emails. However, when you look at costs, you have to consider the quality of the service.

What are the features of ZeroBounce and Mailfloss?

We show you the differences between ZeroBounce and Mailfloss in an easy-to-reference table. But let’s start with the features that both email checkers provide:

• Invalid emails removal

Spam trap detection

• Abuse, disposable and catch-all email detection

Removing these types of contacts from your list can make a difference and help you land in the inbox. Spam traps, for instance, are especially damaging to your email deliverability. Even if you aren’t a spammer, spam traps can end up on a legitimate list and wreak havoc on your inbox placement.

But what does ZeroBounce do that Mailfloss doesn’t? Let’s take a look at the extra features and tools you get access to:

• Data appending: ZeroBounce adds missing information to your email list, like the name, gender and location of your subscribers (where available). There’s no additional charge for the data append feature

• Catch-all email scoring: ZeroBounce further investigates the validity of catch-all emails, so you can keep the ones that aren’t likely to bounce

• Deliverability tools: ZeroBounce has a blacklist monitor, an email server tester and an inbox placement tester to see if your emails will land in the inbox. All of these tools work together to give you the best results possible

Activity Data: ZeroBounce allows you to discover your most active subscribers, so you can target them and boost your conversions

Perhaps due to the discounted price, Mailfloss doesn’t really do much other than find risky email contacts.

Can you get in touch with someone at ZeroBounce or Mailfloss?

Any company you can get in contact with is preferred over one you can’t reach. Unfortunately, Mailfloss leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to accessibility.

We tried to contact them on a Tuesday afternoon (Eastern time). They have what appears to be a chat box, but it’s really just a bot with stock responses that will lead you to the sales page.

In the Mailfloss support section, you can click on “contact us,” but this only takes you to a search bar where you can read articles from the Help library. There’s no phone number anywhere, and after much searching, we finally found an email address.

On the other hand, ZeroBounc’s chat box always has a live person on the other end, responding to you right away. Plus, there’s an email address you can use that we always check. Someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you prefer phone support, there’s also a publicly listed toll-free phone number and another number in Europe. You can call every weekday during business hours and reach a real person.

Take a look at the table below where we listed the main differences between ZeroBounce and Mailfloss.

Price per 10,000 email verifications
Email Bounce Detection
Spam Trap Detection
Free deduplication
Data security: Unique key for each file uploaded in the system; military grade encryption algorithm to safeguard all files and personal information.
Disabled email detection: Identify Yahoo and AOL-disabled email accounts.
Email Abuse Detection
Email Data Append
Toxic Domain Detection
Social Append
IP Information Append
Disposable Email Detection
Catch-All Domain Detection
Email Gender Append
24/7 Support
Accuracy Rate
Money-Back Guarantee
Activity Data - "Identify Openers, Clickers, Forwarders and Unsubscribers on your list"

$80 USD

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$20 USD

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Comparison as of June 2022

Disclaimer: The third party's name is utilized for comparison purposes only and is the trademark of its respective owner. ZeroBounce claims no rights whatsoever in the use of such name and/or any related trademarks. ZeroBounce is not affiliated with the third party referenced on this page.